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AnyChart - Flash Charting Solutions
SB EventLog Monitor is powered by AnyChart - Flash Charting Solutions.


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THAT's IT. You are done :D


AdminEmail - Your email, currently only used for bounce emailes
PageCharSet - You don't want to change this... So leave the "UTF-8" settings there
Language - This is the default interface language. Also all emails will be in this language
UserAuth - [true/false] enable or disable user access control (using SESSIONS).

EZSQL_DB_CHARSET - server CHARSET.. If you have problems with character encoding in your MySQL, You can set "utf8" here
DB_PREFIX - table prefix in MySQL

** You don't need to change this **
SMARTY_template_dir - where are "templates"
SMARTY_cache_dir - where to store compiled templates and cache files (must be writable)
SMARTY_compile_check - turns off source template change check (faster)
SMARTY_caching", true) - turns on page caching - all pages are cached, so PHP don't need to query SQL all the time
SMARTY_cache_lifetime - how long is the cache valid


You can enable or disable build in user authentication code. All passwords are stored in ".htpasswd" file. If You are not using Apache web server, please make sure, that this file CAN'T be accessed from web!
You can use Apache authentication using ".htaccess" file. Just point it to ".htpasswd" file. You can still use SB EventLog Monitor to manage users and passwords.
If you are using IIS (or another server) and don't want to use my integrated authentication (You may want to use NTLM, ...), just follow documentation of Your web server.
Also, if You are not using Apache server, you should disable direct-access to the following folders: "modules", "modules_cron", "templates", "data", BUT PHP must be still able to access these directories and files inside them!